Charlotte's web
This week we had to write a news paper article based on the part of the story when Lurvy discovered the writing on the web. I found it hard to make it sound like a news paper artical. Here is my writing.
26 5 2016
Early this morning a miracle occurred just outside of town in Mr Zuckerman's barn. Mr Zuckerman said that It was a cold and frosty morning in the barn when his worker Lurvy came into the barn with the slops.He couldn’t help but see a word in the centre of the web he took a closer look and saw that it there was the words SOME PIG he was sure that it wasn’t possible for there to be words in a web so he called Mr Zuckerman. Soon people were coming from all over the place to see the miracle that had occurred in Mr Zuckerman's barn.
“ I couldn’t believe it when I saw it he said it was almost like the spider had super powers” said Lurvy Mr Zuckerman's worker.
“I don’t think I’m having that pig for Christmas” said Mr Zuckerman.
Mr Zuckerman’s also said that it was just thought to be a common house spider.
REPORTER- Franklin
I learnt how to add in fractions and how to do a Screen castafy.
On Wednesday I went to cross country the track was very muddy and part of it was narrow. you had to sprint at the start to be in the narrow bit first. I came 2nd witch means I go to Canterbury to race. The person who bet me in cross country came from Caramea.
This is me and my friends before the race.