This term for Numeracy we focused on working with decimals. We were doing decimals on study ladder and khan academy I found khan academy quite hard.At the end of the term we were planning a trip with a buddy, my buddy and i chose to go to Argentina. I really like doing financial literacy the most.
This term for reading we were focusing on reading punctuation, we focused on how punctuation can change a sentence. This term for writing my group worked on making our paragraphs all about the same subject and we also tried to make our writing sound better by adding some key words.
This term for prep I handed in a CV to be in the bank I got an email back saying that I was in. My job was to keep track of how much money the people in room 14 have. After that i come and sort out the money. We get payed 8 kawa a day and if you finish early and help out you get payed exsta. When it was time to buy things I had 99 banqer dollars.
My goals for next term. My numeracy goal is to be in the highest maths group. My reading goal for next term is to be able to read punctuation well. My writing goal is to use paragraphs well.