Friday, 16 December 2016

T4 2016 reflection

This term we have been quite busy because Christmas is coming and we have been practicing for the Christmas concert. 
For literacy and numeracy we started doing Christmas activities I found them quite fun. Here is my best one.

Here is my favorite piece of writing.

Thank you to the people that have commented on my blog during 2016 I look forward to seeing you next year.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Double Down

Double Down 
Author - Jeff Kinney 
Rating - 4 and a half stars out of 5
Double down is one of the diary of a wimpy kid series. It is a good book. The main characters are Gregg, Rowley, Greg's mum, dad and brothers.
My favorite part in the book is when he get lots of candy but his pig eats it all and the pig gets sick and he gets told of. I recommend it to people that like reading books with funny thing in it. 

Friday, 2 December 2016

Bonus reflection

Here is my bonus reflection I am quite happy with it. 

Numeracy reflection

For numeracy we got to choose an activity. I chose code cracker. Code crack is an activity to try to find a word that equals 100. It was hard see if you can do it.

Literacy reflection

This week for literacy we chose an activity. My activity was to write Christmas codes.  I enjoyed it and I thought it would be cool to write things about Christmas. See if you can guess mine Or make some up yourself.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Board game, thinking

When my friend came round we wanted to play risk with him. It is also is a main star and it fits under thinking. I enjoyed the game but we didn't finish it because it takes a very long time.

Christmas card, relating to others

For a main star I chose to do a Christmas card. I painted reindeer's to put on the card. I chose to to give it to my nana. I I painted the reindeer's using finger prints and pen.