The Parent Agency
Author - David BaddielThe Parent Agency is about a boy named Barry who lives with a Mum, Dad and 2 sisters he also has two good friends named Jake, Lucas and Taj. Barry hates being called Barry he wishes that his name was something like Jake or Lucas. Barry once wrote down of ten things to blame his parents about.
One day about a week before Barry's birthday his dad came back from work and said "I've got a present for you and showed him a James Bond CD Barry had a look at it and quickly discover that it was the cheap version. Barry got angry and threw the CD at his Mum his dad sent Barry to his room, Barry raced past the dishwasher and in the process tripped over the sand from the egg timer that he broke with the CD. He the was knocked unconscious and went into a coma. From then on he started dreaming about a Parent Agency.
At the Parent Agency he thought he recognized people such as Taj And Jake or his two sisters. The way the parent agency works is that children choose there parents. Barry looked at his list of things that he blames his parens for to help him choose. First he tried to find rich parents. They did not work because they were to cruel. Next he chose to have famous parents but they were to selfish. In the end of five days witch happened to be his birthday he came out of his coma to find his family and friends all there. In the end he said it was the best birthday ever.