Children should NOT get phones until they are at least 13.
In my opinion parents should resist the urge to give their child a phone.
By giving them devices the first thing going through their minds when they’re bored is phone , phone, phone. They also will become lazy and be too engaged in their device instead of being outside. Children in my opinion should play a variety of sports and at least 5 hours of sport a week. Also your kids will become antisocial.
Kids that are on phones are paying attention to the screen rather than to outside things. By letting them go on their phone as a consequence you are making them less fit and lazy. Experts say that children should be doing an hour of exersise daily. So by giving them a phone you won’t get them doing the amount of fitness. One of nz main problems is obesity lots of people have it and by allowing them to play on a screen is making them more likley to get obese. Do you want obese children?
My second argument is that if they have a phone they will go on lots of games and be atisochial. They will get addictions and not engage in coversations. If you allow phones into your household your house culd sound like this, “ Toby get of your phone”, “But mummy I’m almost finished please a bit longer”. You will have arguments like this creep into the house. Do you want antisocial kids?
My last opinion I think that they won’t want to do chores because they are too engaged in their screen. They will be less inclined to do what their parents want them to do. Do you want disobedient children? If not don’t give them a phone and you might have a chance.
Finally I think that giving your kid a phone is a bad Idea and will make them lazy and unfit.
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