Welcome to my blog, I'm a learner at Greymouth High School in Greymouth, New Zealand.
Tuesday, 5 November 2019
Recently every Tuesday I have gone to a Japanese class. We have learn't some basic word and facts about japan. I made a drawing to show two main tourist attractions.
Tuesday, 29 October 2019
Rugby world cup
In the last couple of week I have been watching the rugby world cup. I decided to make a team made from all the players from around the world.
Wednesday, 4 September 2019
This week for writing we are learning how to write instructions. here are my instructions for my smoothie
- Peel 1 banana and put it in the blender
- Pour 1 c. frozen strawberries into the blender
- Add another 1 c. frozen blackberries into the blender 1
- Also put 1 c. frozen raspberries into the blender
- Add 1 1/4 c of any milk into the blender
- Finally add 1/2 c. yogurt into the blender
- Blend it up
- Finally pour the smoothie into a glass or cup and drink
Tuesday, 3 September 2019
Work book
This week we got a workbook to work on during the week.
Friday, 30 August 2019
This week my West Coast hockey team are travelling to Blenheim for a hockey tournament against Moubrough and Nelson under 13 a-teams. We leave on Saturday and play on 1 on Saturday and the other on Sunday as well. We will play 1 game against each team. This is my third and final year of -13 and I am looking forward to it.
This is a tournament to prepare for the big tournament in Omaru. The big tournament is against Cantubury and Otago teams as well.
I hope our team does well because alot of our players ar eon their last year.
This is a tournament to prepare for the big tournament in Omaru. The big tournament is against Cantubury and Otago teams as well.
I hope our team does well because alot of our players ar eon their last year.
Thursday, 29 August 2019
This week I played Netball for Grey Main. We beat St Pats in the final 18-16. I played the whole game at GD and WA. I like Wing Attack the most because that it what I played the whole tournament in basically.
These are the teams we played Awahono, Cobden, St Pats, Karoro (semi final), St Pats (final). We won all the games and the closest was the final.
I enjoyed playing in the Netball but it was kind of weird.
These are the teams we played Awahono, Cobden, St Pats, Karoro (semi final), St Pats (final). We won all the games and the closest was the final.
I enjoyed playing in the Netball but it was kind of weird.

Friday, 23 August 2019
Maths balanced equations
This week we quickly looked at balanced equations. I already new how to do them and this is a drawing to show my understanding.
This term me and my friends decided to try out for the Grey Main netball team to play in a tournament that we one last year. We had two trials and a squad was selected to train once a week for two weeks. Yesterday a team was selected and I made it, only four from the squad of fourteen were droped. I had never played Netball before and it was pretty confusing at the start but I have the hang of it now.
I am looking forward to the tournament.
I am looking forward to the tournament.
Friday, 16 August 2019
Wearable arts
Recently we have started wearable arts. Wearable arts is a project where you have a theme and have to create a piece of wearable arts. Our theme is the future with a West Coast flavour.
At the moment we are making small versions of our Idea and finding ways to make it interesting.
My group might do something about whitebait and something.
I am looking forward to seeing the final piece of art.
At the moment we are making small versions of our Idea and finding ways to make it interesting.
My group might do something about whitebait and something.
I am looking forward to seeing the final piece of art.
Westa - Maths
This week 2 maths teams from my school (Grey Main) played against other West Coast teams. Last year it was hosted in Hokitika and we finished 1st equal. This year It was hosted at Grey Main and we came 3rd. We go to Canta Maths which is in Christchurch because we beat the other Grey Main team. I went to Canta maths and it was fun but hard.
I am looking forward to going in a couple of weeks.
I am looking forward to going in a couple of weeks.
The finals
This weekend I played and captained the Blaketown under 14 rugby team from fist five to beat Marist in the final. We played in very cold, windy and wet conditions.
It is my first year in the grade which means I am a younger player in the team.
We got of to a good start by applying lot of pressure ant trapping them in their own corner with the wind against them. We go rewarded by the continuous pressure scoring two converted trys in a row. Then Marist bounced back and scored one of their own. I scored a try halfway through the first half. At halftime we were leading by 19 points. Marist in the second half with the wind behind made a slight comeback. The final score was 50 - 36 to us.
After the game I made a speech to describe the game thank Marist and say how leading up to the game we tied both games. I also thanked the supporters, managers and our coach.
After the speechers we went and had a 25 minute hot shower to warm up.
I am so happy we won.
It is my first year in the grade which means I am a younger player in the team.
We got of to a good start by applying lot of pressure ant trapping them in their own corner with the wind against them. We go rewarded by the continuous pressure scoring two converted trys in a row. Then Marist bounced back and scored one of their own. I scored a try halfway through the first half. At halftime we were leading by 19 points. Marist in the second half with the wind behind made a slight comeback. The final score was 50 - 36 to us.
After the game I made a speech to describe the game thank Marist and say how leading up to the game we tied both games. I also thanked the supporters, managers and our coach.
After the speechers we went and had a 25 minute hot shower to warm up.
I am so happy we won.
Friday, 26 July 2019
This week for writing we had to do an argument about animals in zoos.
I believe that animals should not be kept in a zoo.
I believe that animals do not belong in a zoo. They are wild animals and it is bad for them to be baby fed their whole life.
I also think that its not fair that the Animals have no say and no chance to express what they are feeling and what they want. Lastly how would humans like and cope with being kept in an enclosure with another species gazing at them like dolls.
Animals should not be kept in cages and enclosures because if they are released they will not be used to be gathering food and finding shelter for themselves. They will not know how to survive in the real world. Imagine this, your parents make your bed, cook food, put your clothes on, do your homework and everything else. And suddenly send you to make a life for your own. Pay rent and cook and all the rest of it.
Animals also shouldn’t be in enclosures because they never said they wanted to be their. They don’t have any say or influence in where humans keep them. How would you like to be taken to an unnatural and a unknown place.
Would you like to be bossed around. My last point is how would humans like to be held in a zoo with another species in charge of them watching them for hours.
So in conclusion I strongly believe that animals should not be kept in zoos for these 3 reasons. They will not be able to fend for the self in the real world, they have no say in things and humans would not like to be bossed around like that so other species probably don’t either.
Monday, 22 July 2019
Maths dlo
This week for maths we have to make a DLO for our Maths Geometry. Here is mine.
Friday, 5 July 2019
Term Highlight
The highlight for this term was all the sport we got to play like Rugby, Sevens, League, Basketball, League in Christchurch and Hockey.
We did really well in everyone and we Hold the Rugby 15s, League and Hockey cups.
I'm looking forward to term 3 but I'm just happy to have the holidays.
We did really well in everyone and we Hold the Rugby 15s, League and Hockey cups.
I'm looking forward to term 3 but I'm just happy to have the holidays.
Wednesday, 3 July 2019
Under 52s rugby
Last week I was again selected to represent the West Coast for the Under 52 kg rugby team. I am vice captain and I play 1st 5/8th. I weigh 47kg.
There is a tournament played between Marlborough, Nelson Bays, Golden Bay/Motueka, Buller and the West Coast in the school holidays. This a primary schools tournament with a weight restriction. The tournament is a round robin played over a week. The winner of this tournament is awarded the Seddon Shield. It is a very old and prestigious rugby tournament.
Last year, I also played in this tournament. We beat Buller and we were very close to beating Golden Bay/ Motueka. Hopefully this year we will play well and win.
There is a tournament played between Marlborough, Nelson Bays, Golden Bay/Motueka, Buller and the West Coast in the school holidays. This a primary schools tournament with a weight restriction. The tournament is a round robin played over a week. The winner of this tournament is awarded the Seddon Shield. It is a very old and prestigious rugby tournament.
Last year, I also played in this tournament. We beat Buller and we were very close to beating Golden Bay/ Motueka. Hopefully this year we will play well and win.
Tuesday, 2 July 2019
Stem and leaf graph
We have learn't how to do a stem and leaf graph. Here is my explanation.
Book Review
Last week I read The Recruit. The author is Robert Muchamore. The Book is about a child who has no father their mother dies.
After he gets recruited to a agency called cherub, Witch is a child agency to stop people doing bad things. He does basic training and finally got through and get selected for a mission. He does really well in the mission. Find out the rest by reading the book.
After he gets recruited to a agency called cherub, Witch is a child agency to stop people doing bad things. He does basic training and finally got through and get selected for a mission. He does really well in the mission. Find out the rest by reading the book.
This week we learnt how to make an argument. Here is mine.
Children should NOT get phones until they are at least 13.
In my opinion parents should resist the urge to give their child a phone.
By giving them devices the first thing going through their minds when they’re bored is phone , phone, phone. They also will become lazy and be too engaged in their device instead of being outside. Children in my opinion should play a variety of sports and at least 5 hours of sport a week. Also your kids will become antisocial.
Kids that are on phones are paying attention to the screen rather than to outside things. By letting them go on their phone as a consequence you are making them less fit and lazy. Experts say that children should be doing an hour of exersise daily. So by giving them a phone you won’t get them doing the amount of fitness. One of nz main problems is obesity lots of people have it and by allowing them to play on a screen is making them more likley to get obese. Do you want obese children?
My second argument is that if they have a phone they will go on lots of games and be atisochial. They will get addictions and not engage in coversations. If you allow phones into your household your house culd sound like this, “ Toby get of your phone”, “But mummy I’m almost finished please a bit longer”. You will have arguments like this creep into the house. Do you want antisocial kids?
My last opinion I think that they won’t want to do chores because they are too engaged in their screen. They will be less inclined to do what their parents want them to do. Do you want disobedient children? If not don’t give them a phone and you might have a chance.
Finally I think that giving your kid a phone is a bad Idea and will make them lazy and unfit.
This week for maths we did probability, here is my DLO on it.
Wednesday, 19 June 2019
Book review
Prisoner 1087
By Alan Gratz
Yanek fought his way through death camps, beatings, starvation and being over worked. Before his uncle got murdered he said to Yanek "in order to survive have no name, personalty, feelings and family".
Read the book to get the full storey of Yaneks journey.
Tuesday, 18 June 2019
Maths DLO
This week for maths we have been finding out about probability. Here is a DLO to show my knowledge.
Friday, 14 June 2019
Maths nets
This week we made nets. The hard thing was to put them together and remember to do the tabs. It was fidly but we got a good Idea about how to make them in the end.
Friday, 7 June 2019
Chapter 1-2
Millions sounds like its set in England. The main character is Damian and he has a brother called Anthony and a dad. They all sound like they are missing their mother and wife. We know that the mum is not living there but we don’t know why. Damian and Anthony have made a friend called freckle neck who is very large. Anthony seems rather strange and may be damaged by his mother leaving or not being with them. Damian loves Saints and can name lots of Patron Saints. On Damian's first day at school he strives to be excellent and tries to stand out by talking about saints. Then trys to stand out by being silent like one of the saints.
One of my predictions is that the audience will soon find out about what happened to the mother or maybe find the money.
Wednesday, 5 June 2019
This Term we went on camp. Here is my presentation that I made on it.
For maths this week we had to create a DLO for something to explain something we have learn't in maths. Here is mine.
Friday, 31 May 2019
My Myth
This week we finished our Myths off. We had to read some myths then make your own from the characteristics that myths have. Here is my one
Friday, 3 May 2019
Wednesday, 1 May 2019
Weekend sport
This weekend my rugby team is playing against Marist. I play for Blaketown and we a really close with Marist. I play Firstfive for Blaketown. We have 22 people in our rugby team and we are pretty good. We won the pre-season ripa but came second it ten a side.
We have won the final 2 but last year we lost to Marist in the final 20 - 22. We also won 2 against Marist in the final.
Thursday, 11 April 2019
Colour poem
Today after the diamante poem we did a colour poem. It was about red and had to refer to the war.
Here is mine
ANZAC diamante poem
This week for topic we have been doing stuff to do with ANZAC's. For ANZAC writing we did diamante poems. Here is mine.
Friday, 29 March 2019
Today for maths we did adding with improper fractions and mixed numbers. I already had a reasonably good idea about them so I did the tasks that we were set. There was a year 11 one a year 8 one and a year 5 one and I passed them all. I kind of liked doing that maths.
Thursday, 28 March 2019
This week for tennis I have to play club champs against a boy from Hokitika. I won the last three times but it was pretty close. He is a year nine and is in the West Coast tennis team with me. I have not lost a club game since the start of last year. I will also be going to a Canterbury tournament in the holidays. I have gone to 2 Canterbury tournaments and came second and Third.
I hope I win club champs.
I hope I win club champs.
League Trials
Today league trials are happening. Mr B our Deputy Principal and the coach will select a team to go to Christchurch. Last year we were undefeated. I hope I make the team. I play league for Waro Rakau. Our team lost in the semi final last year but won the year before. They also changed the grading to odd numbers which is international rules.
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
Brunner Mine
This week for topic we went to the Brunner Mine site. We looked around and did activities about what it was like back then. We looked at the old entrance to the mine and we also looked at the big coke ovens.
We also did a play about a scene in the book 'Mines Afire' where the Brunner Mine explodes and the children in the class hears it explode, The teacher leaves to help with the recovery and locks them in the class. So the children go out the windows. I was a child so I just had to act surprised when the explosion happened. I kind of enjoyed the activity.
We also had to find out information about the mine. We got the Information from big boards.
I liked Brunner Mine and it was a good experience.
We also did a play about a scene in the book 'Mines Afire' where the Brunner Mine explodes and the children in the class hears it explode, The teacher leaves to help with the recovery and locks them in the class. So the children go out the windows. I was a child so I just had to act surprised when the explosion happened. I kind of enjoyed the activity.
We also had to find out information about the mine. We got the Information from big boards.
I liked Brunner Mine and it was a good experience.
Friday, 22 March 2019
This week for maths we were doing our maths about finding the Range, Mode, Mean and Median of a number. Range is the difference between the smallest and biggest number. Mode is the Most frequent number in the data. Median is the middle number in the data. And my favourite to find is the mean which is the average which you find by adding the numbers then dividing them buy however many numbers you have. What we learn't was to always arrange my the data from smallest to biggest but I like the challenged of doing it all in my head.
I enjoyed doing averages and I have a good understanding about them now.
I enjoyed doing averages and I have a good understanding about them now.
This week Kaleb and I went looking for people to play hockey for school. Last year our team drew in the final against Karoro and I scored the winning goal in the semifinal against St Patrick's.
We almost have enough for two teams. The competition is on the 9th March.
We almost have enough for two teams. The competition is on the 9th March.
Friday, 15 March 2019
This week we started practising for league. We have twenty two people sighing up and I am one of the ones that play for a club. For league the competition is in Christchurch next term. Last year we were unbeaten. There is also a composition on the West Coast which we will be taking 2 teams.
I have also got a game against Brunner Marist Hoki today for my club called Waro Rakau. 
Tuesday, 12 March 2019
This week for music we had to find a song that we like. I chose a song that I play on the Violin called Cotton Patch rag. Here is what I like about.
Friday, 1 March 2019
Book review
This week I finished The wonderful story of Henry Sugar.
I liked This book, It was a good size and very interesting.
The Book was about an extremely rich man that goes to casinos every night and goes with his rich friends to play rich people games.
One day he went to play blackjack with his friends, but drew the short straw and had to wait until the next round. So he was bored and needed something to pass some time. He chose to go to the library in the house. He looked through the library and only saw boring books until his eyes were caught on a thin book poking out. He read some of the book and resized it was a magician yogi book that talked about a guy that could read playing cards without looking and could see with not just his eyes but his hands and other parts of his body. He fingered out that would be extremely helpful for all the card games he plays and stole the book.
There was one problem though, It would take years to practice this task and would require lots of effort being a yogi unless you were very special. Although Henry was very concentrated on having this talent and practised multiple times a day.
See what happens to Henry in this good book by reading it.
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